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Autism affects family relationships. Family dynamics are affected by so many factors; work schedules, single parenting, siblings, ages of siblings, blended families, economics, health, and the list goes on. When autism comes into your life these dynamics are all affected. The affects can have positive influences making the family stronger, closer, smarter, new relationships, and greater appreciation of life’s joys. Autism can also add challenges such as creating safe environments, entrusting others for care and advice, greater demand on your time, managing severe behaviors, medical needs, and many more tests of your fortitude.


ABA therapist watches a video with her student

Our goal is to improve the life of your child by giving them skills to have fewer moments of frustration, the means to communicate their needs, understanding why other people act the way they do, the appropriate response when encountering various situations, learning respect, and being proud of their unique qualities. Our goal is not achievable without the parents or caregivers committing to learning and utilizing the techniques for your child to receive constant and consistent positive reinforcement to use the skills they are being taught. You have to be committed to expanding your toolbox of skills to overcome the challenges of autism.



Keystone Achievements will provide ongoing ABA training created for parents.  We do not view training as optional or we would be saying it’s optional for your child to receive the best care or marginal care.  When we all apply the techniques throughout your child’s daily life they will conquer their challenges, they will grow more confident, they will become more independent, they will continuously learn, and the entire family will benefit.


Keystone Families

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